What Do Kim Kardashian and Stephen Cooper Training Have in Common

We both use rope training.

I've been using the rope training with my clients since the end of 2008, so it's nice to see that trainer to the stars Gunnar Peterson is using it with his clients such as Kim Kardashian.

Click on Picture to Play Kim Kardashian Video

There are a couple of different names for rope training such as Battling Ropes, and Ropes Gone Wild, but whatever you call it, it's a great way to burn fat without the typical pounding that comes with most aerobic exercises.


Looking for a workout with the ropes?  Click here to see a clip of a session I did with a client just a few days ago. You'll see the fat-burning session with complete details.

Aimee doing Ropes Gone Wild at Boot Camp Pasadena

If you are in the Pasadena/Altadena area and want to try some rope training contact me, or have a look at my Boot Camp Pasadena site for group training where we also use the rope.

Backyard Workout - TRX, Ropes Gone Wild

For time:

35 reps Walking Lunges
30 TRX Low Row
30 seconds Ropes Gone Wild
35 Reps walking lunges
25 TRX Low Rows
30 seconds ropes gone wild
35 reps walking lunges
20 TRX low rows
30 seconds ropes gone wild
35 reps walking lunges
15 TRX low rows
30 seconds ropes gone wild
35 reps walking lunges
10 TRX low rows
30 seconds ropes gone wild

This is a killer workout.  You'll be sweating like crazy if you are training like you mean it.

I got my rope from Amazon, and my TRX from Fitness Anywhere.

Give this workout a try, then let me know how it went for ya.  Leave me a comment in the comment section below.  Was it too easy?  To hard?  What was your time?  I did it in 16:20