Science Based Fat Loss Protocols

I’ve really been enjoying the podcasts put out by Dr. Andrew. Huberman of Stanford.

Here are some of my “rough” notes on fat loss from one of his recent shows.

How to Lose Fat with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #21

Your foundation must be right.

  • Quality and sufficient sleep

  • Essential fatty acids - vital, EPA above 1,000 mg per day, quality fatty fish or grass-fed meat

  • Glutamine - 1 teaspoon to 1 T can reduce sugar cravings (cottage cheese is a good source)

  • Selenium - 2-3 Brazil nuts per day

  • Fermented foods

  • Sufficient iodine

A study from psychologists at Stanford, showing that a belief that exercise and movement will help can improve fat loss. (Power of our nervous system.). The belief has a real effect and fat loss.

Fat loss protocols -

Fat must be mobilized and burned (oxidize)...not just mobilized as it can return to fat!

The nervous system encourages this process through the release of epinephrine/adrelenine.

Shivering increases fat metabolism

Fidgeting, quick movements, bouncing your knee, standing up and pacing can produce a 20% - 30% increase in fat loss.

Fidgeting is a great starting point! - Powerful way to increase calories burned.

Fidgeting (subtle movements) trigger epinephrine relates to the neurons and they stimulate the mobilization of fat, and then that fat is oxidized at higher rates. 800-2500 calories burned per day is considerable. (NEAT)


White, brown, beige fat tissues

Don't resist the shivering - the shivering increases body heat and burns fat.

Fat Loss Optimization Protocol

Cold shower 1-5 times per week (One is beneficial)

  • get in and shiver

  • get out - no towel wait 1-3 minutes don't dry off

  • and repeat. (3 total)

  • cold enough to be uncomfortable - this varies

  • activate cooling and rewarming

  • avoid getting "cold water adapted"

  • maybe do this 2 - 3 months, then stop - so you don't get cold-adapted (for fat loss)

Exercise and timing

Fat "paths" epinephrine neurons locally

Change up exercise, novel exercises

HIIT (80% sub-VO2 Max 60-240 sec.)

Sprint interval Training. (all-out 8-30 sec) Squats, deadlifts, KB swings

Moderate Intensity Continuous Training - (steady-state cardio 40-60 min 55-75 MHR)


Ideally fast, then exercise intensely (breathe hard) 20-60 min, and then move into "Zone 2" cardio - Best for fat loss increases BMR

Post fat oxidation after high-intensity burns fat for up to 24 hours

Adrenaline is the trigger of fat loss

Caffeine, if you like coffee, etc (30-60 min before exercise) up to 400mg 1.5 cups (if you are not caffeine sensitive) - this helps to release adrenaline/epinephrine

GLP 1 is increased by drinking yerba mate, increases the percentage of fat burn or "guayusa" another type of tea. (Look at for details). Yerba mate may reduce heart rate just slightly

Actyl L Carnitine - 500 mg - 2g

Improves fat oxidation, may reduce fatigue