How to Lose Fat


If you haven't already lost as much fat as you'd like, here are 4 areas to focus on: 

  1. Genetics -  I had to say this because you know it's true.  I'm sure you know friends who can eat just about anything and still stay thin.  It's unfair, but that's the way it is.  Some people are just born lean and slim.  Don't be discouraged though, training and eating right can create improvements in everyone, including you.
  2. Persistence & Discipline -  Probably the most challenging and the number one reason why you won't lose the fat and keep it off relates to persistence and discipline.  Losing fat and keeping it off has to come from something deep inside you.  No one can make you work out.  No one can force you to choose healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, and healthy protein sources.  Luckily, persistence and discipline can be developed and practiced.  When practiced enough, they turn in to habits.
  3. Planning - Each day can be looked at as an opportunity to better yourself.  As you plan your day, write in the time you will spend exercising.  Where will you be eating today?  Will you be going out with friends?  Will you need to bring lunch and snacks?  We encounter frustrations when the day passes us by rather than planning and living it from our values and priorities.
  4. Minimizing Distractions - Sift out the garbage and distractions from your life.  What's more important to your happiness and long life, more time posting on Facebook, or walking outdoors with your children?  Zero in on what contributes to your core.  Your time is limited, make sure that you are focusing on what matters most to your health and happiness.

Hopefully you begin to implement these tips (except for the first one).  Don't over complicate fat loss.  Be kind to yourself and do a little better each day.  Don't waste your time with gimmicks and supposed short cuts.  Deep down inside you know what has to be done.  Take action today...your body and your family will thank you.

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