Mud for Breakfast

Morning Protein Acai shake

OK, I realize this looks like mud...but it sure tastes good.

Clients often ask me what I have for breakfast, and here it is one of my favorites.


1-2 scoops protein powder

1 pack frozen Sambazon acai 

1/2 cup coconut milk

topped with handful of slivered almonds

I got turned on to acai years ago when spending time with my wife in Brazil.   In Brazil, acai is most often eaten in a bowl, kind of like a sherbet, and topped with fruit and granola.  It's super refreshing on a hot and humid day.

Here in the U.S. you can get frozen acai at Whole Foods.

I've written on acai before, and the importance of not falling for acai related products that try to scam you into believing that acai is some super fat loss berry.  Enjoy it for what it is.  A healthy part of a balanced life.


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