5 Day Fat Loss Fitness Boot Camp in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

You only live once, join me in Rio de Janeiro for a once in a lifetime experience of fun, exercise, and adventure.

Copacabana Sunrise, photo credit:©miguel valle de figueiredo


Imagine spending 7 nights in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most spectacular cities in the world.

We will spend 5 mornings working out on Copacabana Beach, where you will be put through my best fat burning exercise routines. We will use body weight, our natural surroundings, and TRX's from my boot camp classes here in the U.S., for fun and effective fat burning training.


Boot camp classes will begin on Monday Aug 10 and run till Friday Aug 14

Copacabana Surf, Photo Credit:laszlo-photo

Daily Schedule:

Morning Boot Camp Sessions (5 Mornings)

Boot camp class will start around 6:30 or 7am (I want to keep the start time reasonable as this is vacation too) and last for 60 minutes.

You will have the rest of the day and evening to enjoy Rio.

Sugarloaf, Photo Credit:©miguel valle de figueiredo

Why Have I Put Together This Experience?

In a short answer...I love exercise, and I love Brazil. I met and married my wife in Brazil over 20 years ago, and I visit as often as possible.

I want to share Brazil with you as only a Portuguese speaking person can, plus we'll get to exercise too.

I invite you to come along with my wife and kids as we visit some of the more popular places in Rio. This is totally optional and there is no itinerary. You are free to do as you like, but know that my wife and I are there in case you need some assistance.

We plan on visiting:

Sugar Loaf, Christ the Redeemer, possibly Buzios

I also plan on hang gliding (which I've done twice in Rio) or if I get the nerve, I want to try sky diving.

Hang gliding in Rio, Photo Credit:jurodriguez1

How Much Will This Cost?

I want you to go, so I am making the 5 session boot camp very affordable. You will only pay $197.

Please know that this is for the boot camp only.

You are responsible for everything else.

5 Session Boot Camp in Rio de Janeiro


Hotel and Flight Information:

As of 9:30am on Sat. July 4ththere was a great package deal via Orbitz which included round trip airfare from Los Angeles to Rio, and hotel for 7 nights for only $1219.00 taxes included. This is an incredible price.

Hotel Price Assurance (300x250)

Once You Know You Want To Go, Here's What You Need To Do Next.

1.  Contact me to let me know that you want to go.Via email, cel phone, carrier pigeon – let me know ASAP as the deadline is Friday July 10th.

Note: I will need to have a minumum of 6 people going in order to do this fitness experience.

2.  Make sure you have a current passport and contact your local Brazilian consulate about getting a tourist visa. (Please note this will take 10 business days minimum.)

3.  Book your room at the Orla Copacabana. (Ask me for details about booking at the Orla.) You are welcome to stay wherever you want, but know that we will be doing the boot camp there and if you want to hang out and have free breakfast with us, that's where I will be.

I would suggest arriving on Sunday August 9.Myself and my family will be arriving at the hotel Sunday and will be departing the following Sunday Aug. 16.

Visa Information About Brazil

For those of you in the Los Angeles area, here is the link to the Brazilian Consulate:


*Please be aware that the consulate is very particular about paperwork and documents, so please read the information carefully. According to their site there is a 10 working day wait for visas so get your visa ASAP.

Hotel Price Assurance (300x250)

Contact Me With Your Questions

I will be updating this page frequently and adding more information. I wanted to give you the specifics so that you can decide and get moving to make this happen. This isn't some kind of marketing jingle, this comes from my heart. Take a look at what is important in life to you. Are you tired of the same routine? Are you yearning to try something new?

If so, then join us. This will be an experience that you will never forget.

