Consider This Before You Want to Lose Fat

I probably shouldn't even be telling you this but...losing fat is not going to be easy.

You might be thinking to yourself, "great, even this personal trainer, who is trying to sell me on training with him is telling me that it's not going to be easy".  Well, it's the truth.

You may visit other sites that shout about how easy it is to lose weight, they entice you to believe that they have the magic solution...only if you do their special diet, or use their fitness gadget.

Losing fat may not be comfortable, enjoyable, or easy.  I've never had a client tell me that she eats only lean proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, and some simple carbs, yet she can't keep the weight off.  Nor have I had a client tell me that he trains consistently 4-6 days a week and really pushes himself, yet he can't seem to keep the fat off.

So now you might be thinking that this Stephen guy is a jerk...and "my situation is different".  I'm here to tell you that your body responds to hard work and structured eating.  I don't make up the rules.  Anyone who tells you that losing fat is going to be easy is lying.