Rebel Against Fast Food And Fast Life

Photo by: ichiro kishimiI just read this over at Leo Babauta's Zen Habits.

"Our hectic, fast-paced, stressful, chaotic lives — the Fast Life — leads to eating Fast Food, and eating it quickly. This is a lifestyle that is dehumanizing us, making us unhealthy, stressed out, and unhappy. We rush through our day, doing one mindless task after another, without taking the time to live life, to enjoy life, to relate to each other, to be human. That’s not a good thing in my book. Instead, rebel against that entire lifestyle and philosophy … with the small act of eating slower. Don’t eat Fast Food. Eat at a good restaurant, or better yet, cook your own food and enjoy it fully. Taste life itself."

This really rings true with me.  I see many of my clients, and myself included, rushing in just about everything. This is a great reminder on how to approach life.