Which Supplements Should Women Take For Fat-Loss?

Lady%20eating%20fruit.jpgI am very careful with suggesting specific supplements for fat-loss.  I'm sure you've been overwhelmed in the past with all types of hype and marketing.  All promising you immediate results with no work.

Well, if you haven't caught on yet...there are no miracle pills.

What I do suggest and have always suggested is that you make sure that your eating is optimal.  You know the deal...lean proteins, lot's of vegetables, fruit, and some healthy fats.

However, I know from my experience that most people do not get all of the suggested servings of fruit...especially vegetables.

So that's why I suggest taking a supplement to "fill in that gap".

The supplement is the same one that my wife takes.  I could go down the list of nutrients, but the list has 25 whole food concentrates such as: broccoli, kale,wheat grass, papaya...and so many more.

If you are not getting the results you want, make sure that your body gets the nutrients it deserves.  Order here.