Help Me to Simplify Exercise and Optimal Health

EsCoverweb.jpg I recently read a snippet of a great looking book, "The Elegant Solution", by Matthew E. May.

  I love his comment "an elegant solution is one in which the optimal outcome is achieved with the minimal expenditure of effort and expense".

This is exactly what you are trying to accomplish when you exercsie.  You want the best body and optimal health, with the least amount of focused effort. 

Here's where I need your help.  I'd love to hear your input on a few questions.

1.  How can trainers, like me, simplify exercise and good health?

2.  Are there products or services that I could give you to help you get fit faster?

3.  Which elements of complexity would you like to see eliminated from exercise and diet?

Please email your responses to me at  I don't have any free e-books, or goodies to give away for your responses, so you'll have to settle for a "virtual hug" and in knowing that I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.