Which Comes First? The Body or the Mind?

I was thinking in the shower today where should the new exerciser begin.

Should you start exercising in hopes that working out becomes a habit?

or... Should you plan in your mind how you are going to approach your training and then work according to your plan?

Having done both, I'm going to suggest that you begin exercising first.  If you follow a reasonable plan and put in some effort, your body will respond, and it will reward you.  You'll have more energy, you might lose a little weight, and you'll just feel a little better about your new habit.

As you build up this new habit, you can learn as you go.  People will begin to comment that "you're looking better', "you've lost some weight", and this will  push you along on your way to improving.

Where you may become frustrated is when your progress slows down, or worse just stops.  At this time you begin to get frustrated, you may miss workouts, and your habit and progress comes to a halt. 

Don't quit! If your progress has come to a standstill, get help.  There are numerous programs and resources on the internet, and of course you can contact an experienced trainer.

Winning the "battle" of losing weight is definitely winnable.  This is not a one time "New Years Resolution"... this is your body, and your health you are playing with. 

P.S.  If you are visiting from www.cre8buzz.com, I want to give you a special welcome, and thanks for visiting today.  If I can be of any help with your fitness questions, please drop me a line.