
Today's Workout:

Run for 10 minutes stopping to do 20 air squats each minute.

Triceps Dips and Bodyweight Squats

 For time:

25 triceps dips
50 body weight squats
20 triceps dips
40 body weight squats
15 triceps dips
30 body weight squats
10 triceps dips
20 body weight squats
5 triceps dips
10 body weight squats

Our First Workout

Warm up  1-3 sets

Side plank hold 30 seconds

Regular Plank hold 30 seconds

Jump Squats 15 reps


You will do push-ups then crunches...the first is 20 push ups, then follow it immediately with 1 crunch.  Go as fast as you can, with as little rest as you can through the entire workout.

Stop at 30 minutes.  Record your time below.




New, Free Workouts Start July 8


So I came home the other morning only to find this little guy stuck and crying on our roof.

We already have 2 adult cats and a dog, but my wife fell in love the little guy so one more pet!

Just a few quick things before you go off to celebrate the 4th of July.

Yesterday I sent you an email about my friend Craig's ab program.

When I send out a notice of someone else's program I am showing you something that I have personally used and I know it works. When I get off my butt and actually develop a fitness product I hope that you'll give it a good look too. In the meantime, I encourage you to check out Craig's ab program.

If you need quality fitness equipment, then I have a huge coupon for you. How about $50 off, when you buy $150 worth of fitness stuff. The coupon is from Power Systems which is a company that I buy from and trust. You'll need this code 08970, and the website is here.

Lastly, I realize that the economy has been hitting some of you quite hard and I want to help. I don't want the economy to get in the way of you being lean and healthy.

Beginning Monday the 8th I will be posting free fat burning workouts here on

We'll begin with training on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday plan. On the "off" days, I be posting tips on nutrition, stretching, and whatever else it takes to help you lose the fat and feel awesome.

These will be similar workouts that I use with my clients. They will be workouts specifically designed to burn fat, tone, and get lean. You should be able to complete the workouts in 30 minutes or less. You'll need minimal equipment, and best of all they can be done from home.

My hope is that you won't have any excuse not to get in shape. I also hope that when you do the workouts, you'll share your experiences with others on my site.

Tell your friends what you are doing, and encourage them to "compete" online with you.

If you have any suggestions to make the experience better I am all ears.

Have a great fourth, and see you Monday!

Get This Book

neilmct.jpgNeil Mc Teggart, the online editor for the UK's Mens Health Magazine, has an awesome book that I highly recommend.

So much of what you read on the internet about fitness and diet goes on and on about theory, stories,and other fluff.

Neil writes just what you need to know.  His book is only 37 pages, but in my opinion, it's one of  best out there.

Straight forward, simple, and it will produce results for you.

Buy his book here



A Free Way To Track Your Workouts

For the past three years I having been posting my own
workouts using a free blog on
I've found it a very simple way to record the workout performed, the weights I used and the time in which I completed it.

It's quite easy to search the blog to see when I last did a particular workout and I can compare all of the times, and weights used.

Another nice item is that you can see how many workouts you did for each month, plus for the entire year, just looking at how many "posts" you did.

I know that it is very simplistic, but sometimes simple yet effective is better than complicated and costly.

You'd Be Wise To Check out This Site

If you have read my posts for any amount of time, you know that I am careful with what I recommend.  You don't get daily emails promoting the latest gimmick, nor do I bug you with a lot of banners and links on my site.

But, when I great product comes along from people that I trust, and I know that it will benefit you, I will definitely encourage you to check it out.

Beginning tomorrow, one such product is set to launch.

What is set to be released on Jan. 23, 2007 is a membership site whereby you can have access to hundreds of goal specific fitness programs by some of the top trainers in the world.  You will pay a one time fee, and then be able to choose the specific workout according to your desired goals.

I wouldn't consider it to be so special, but I know many of the trainers, and they only produce great workouts, so you won't be getting any fluff, or useless stuff.

You'll want to check out the site today, or at the latest tomorrow, as Ryan is offering a ton of bonuses to the first who sign up.

Technorati tags:

Day # 13...The Road Warrior Workout


Here's a routine that I designed for one of my clients who's job keeps her on the road a lot, so she could do this routine in her hotel room.  You'll notice that some of the exercises include dumbbells.  If you have access to weights then go ahead and add them, if not you'll be able to do this entire full-body workout with just some simple rubber exercise tubing.  Also know that the exercises done on the stability ball may be done by simply sitting in a chair or bench.

Today's question: Could this exercise routine be done in your hotel room?

Summary Of Program
Squat - PrisonerExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Chest Press - Standing Decline (Free Motion)Exercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Row - Integrated Bent Over w/ Tubing and DBExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Lat Pull Down - Prone On SB w/ TubingExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Bicep Curl - IntegratedExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Tricep Curl - Integrated w/ TubingExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Lateral Raise - Integrated w/ Tubing Seated on SBExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Rotation - Seated SB w/ TubingExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Wood Chop - Standing With Resist BandExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec
Abduction / Adduction w/ Band TubingExercise2-312-15N/ASlowN/A60 sec


Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Stand in proper alignment , at shoulder width, with hands behind the head, fingers interlocked (DO NOT PRESS INTO THE HEAD/NECK).
Movement :
  • Draw your belly button inward toward your spine.
  • Allow yourself to lower to a squat position under control without compensation.
  • Extend your hips, knees and ankles to a standing position.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Adjust cable arms as shown.
  • Stand in a stable staggered stance position.
  • Using a barbell grip, align the wrist and elbows as shown for.
Movement :
  • Brace Spine by drawing your lower abdomen in.
  • Maintaining proper posture, start movement by pressing hands together at downward angle toward the floor.
  • Check alignment and positioning and repeat press.
  • It is important not to let your back arch at any time during the movement.
  • Keep arm in alignment with the cable as shown.
  • Keep feet flat on the floor and slight bend in knees to maintain balance and stability.
  • Variation:  Try various grip positions, Alternating arms.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Position client as pictured, in neutral spine, with the tubing under her/his feet.
  • For greater ROM at the shoulder, increase hip flexion, YET MAINTAIN NEUTRAL SPINE!
Movement :
  • Draw elbows back, allow for smooth and natureal scapular retraction.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Position client as pictured in neutral spine from head to toe.
  • Cue the "bracing" of the abdominals, as well as the glutes.
  • The trainer should align the resistance at a slight upward angle (not as pictured) to match the ROM fo the shoulder girdle.
Movement :
  • Perform a standard LAT PULLDOWN movement (scapular depression).
  • Maintain neutral spine.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles.
  • Ensure proper "drawing in" of the belly button for additional spinal stability.
Movement :
  • This exercise combines isotonic resistance (the weights) with variable resistance (the tubing), and will cause greater fatigue ... ENSURE THAT PROPER FORM IS MAINTAINED.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with proper alignment through the kinetic chain.
  • Grip the dumbbell and tubing with one hand and maintain frontal plane alignment throughout the exercise.
  • With the scapula slightly retracted and depressed, perform a bicep curl as shown.
  • Lower slowly and repeat.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Stand tall, in neutral spine as pictured.
Movement :
  • Flex and extend the elbow to desired reps.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Sit "tall" with shoulders slightly retracted and depressed, and mild tone in the glutes to promoted "active sitting".
Movement :
  • Laterally raise the arms, generating all motion from the shoulder joints.
  • Raise only as far as can be controlled with no loss of optimal posture.
  • Lower and repeat for necessary reps.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Sit "tall" in neutral spine.
  • Perform "active sitting" by lightly contracting the glutes.
Movement :
  • Rotate as far as active ROM allows (do not compensate by arching or rounding the back).
  • Generate all movement from the trunk.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Door Attachment:  Top of Door.  
  • Stand in a wide stance with the feet parallel to the door.
  • Shift body weight to foot closest to the door with knee bent, trunk hinged slightly forward, hip back, and opposite leg straight.
  • Hold one strap in each hand and clasp hands together.
  • Straighten arm furthest from door across shoulder with both hands reaching toward attachment site.
Movement :
  • Rotate torso toward door with eyes and hips facing forward.
  • Keep wrists firm and unbent.
  • Slowly rotate upper body and pull diagonally downward with hands toward opposite knee.
  • Simultaneously hinge forward at the hips and shift body weight to the foot furthest from door.
  • End with arms straight, leg furthest from door bent, hip back, and feet flat on the floor with back straight.
  • Hold and slowly return to start position.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : N/A 
Tempo : Slow Rest : 60 sec 
Preparation :
  • Begin as pictured standing "tall" in neutral spine.
Movement :
  • Maintaining NEUTRAL SPINE, abduct the leg ONLY AS FAR AS THE AVAILABLE ROM AT THE HIP WILL ALLOW.  (I.E. Do not compensate to get more ROM by laterally flexing at the spine - like the model has done!).


Day # 3... All About Abs

Here is a free ab workout for your enjoyment or pain... as the case may be.  Hint:  If you are brand new to training, you may want to do this routine once a week, if you are a regular exerciser you may do this routine up to three times per week.

*Please note that in all cases of doubt or pre-existing conditions, you should check with your physician before attempting any exercises.

Today's question:  Which "swim stroke" is used in the last ab exercise? 

Your Freebie Ab Workout
Abdominal Crunch - Heel on Toe (DB)Exercise2-312-15N/AN/Avariesas necessary
Abdominal Crunch - SB Oblique Against WallExercise2-312-15N/AN/Avariesas necessary
Abdominals – BackstrokeExercise2-312-15N/AN/Avariesas necessary


Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : varies 
Tempo : N/A Rest : as necessary 
Preparation :
  • Lay flat on floor with legs straight out.
  • Place left heel on right toe, left hand under neck to support and right arm vertical towards the ceiling.
  • Activate core and glutes by drawing in navel towards the spine and squeezing the glutes.
  • Place tongue on the roof of their mouth to prevent neck flexors from becoming overactive.
Movement :
  • Lift shoulders clear of the floor or until the lower abdominals are felt working, focusing on the ceiling. 
  • Pause momentarily and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this action for allocated repetitions then change to other side of the body. 
  • Make sure that neck is fully supported throughout exercise.
  • Only lift as far as you feel comfortable, don’t strain.
  • Quality is far more important than quantity, so once form has diminished discontinue the exercise.
Progression Considerations :
  • Lift shoulders clear of the floor or until the lower abdominals are activated, focusing on the ceiling.
  • Hold dumbbell in one hand only.
  • Rotate as you raise body and rotate towards the foot that is resting on top of the other foot.
  • Pause and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this action for allocated repetitions then change to other side of the body. 
  • Make sure that neck is fully supported throughout exercise.
  • Only lift as far as you feel comfortable, don’t strain.
  • Quality is far more important than quantity, so once form has diminished discontinue the exercise.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : varies 
Tempo : N/A Rest : as necessary 
Preparation :
  • Place feet against a wall, if right hip is on the ball then left foot must be forward of the ball. 
  • Place hip high on the ball and keep neck at 90 degrees to the shoulders.

Movement :
  • Starting in a 45 degree position to the wall, slowly lower the body down until the arm almost touches the ball. 
  • At this stage return to starting position and repeat.
  • Upon completion of the reps, change to opposite side.
  • Be comfortable before starting.
  • Don’t rush the exercise.
  • Keep core activated at all times.

Reps : 12-15 Sets : 2-3 Intensity : varies 
Tempo : N/A Rest : as necessary 
Preparation :
  • Maintain good posture throughout the exercise with shoulder blades retracted and depressed, good stability through the abdominal complex, and neutral spine angles.
Movement :
  • Begin in a crunch position (shoulders slightly off the mat), ensure that the spine is ‘long’ and not excessively rounded in flexion
  • Hands are to the side, palms facing up (as shown)
  • While holding the crunch, perform a backstroke motion with one hand. The eyes should follow the hand motion
  • Once the backstroke motion has been completed, return the hand to the side and alternate sides